DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY – With the Monk who sold his Ferrari – ROBIN SHARMA

January 31st, 2023

The book begins with these words from Robin Sharma – “You are far greater than you have ever dreamed of being.” This phrase got my attention and intrigue to go on and read the book and discover what secrets lay within its pages. I was expecting a complex list of instructions to set me on the path of greatness. What I found was a story of a man who was guided to greatness through following what Robin Sharma calls the “ 7 stages of Self- Awakening”

As I continued to read, chapter by chapter, it downed on me that the “7 Stages” were quite simple and easy to implement in ones’ life. I realized it is all about opening our minds and releasing the preconceived ideas and life experiences that we cling to and often hold us back. It is all about getting out of our comfort zone and being open to new learning and instruction which one can apply no matter where one is in life. The “7 Stages of Self Awakening” will guide you to discover your destiny, in both your personal and professional life. You will learn how to be intentional and focused as you set clear goals for your life in this New Year.